The benefits of drinking water from Copper Utensils like Copper Jars, Copper Tumblers, Copper Water Bottles, etc. have been understood for hundreds of years by the people of India and many other Asian countries. Copper jars provide various health benefits, according to ancient Ayurvedic teachings. Current medical research is now confirming the efficacy of this old Ayurvedic technique.

Copper possesses a wide range of antibacterial properties. Copper was recently approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency as the only solid surface material capable of killing microorganisms that could be harmful to human health. Hospital-acquired infections (HAI) are rapidly becoming a global health crisis. Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) affect 4.5 percent of hospitalized patients in the United States, resulting in an estimated 100,000 deaths.

A small amount of copper ions dissolve into the water when water is held in a copper vessel overnight or for more than eight hours. This is known as the Oligodynamic effect, and it has the power to kill a wide variety of dangerous bacteria, molds, and fungi.

According to Ayurveda, drinking water preserved in a copper vessel has the power to balance all three doshas in our bodies, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, as well as provide several health advantages. This occurs because the copper vessel charges the water positively. Tamra jal is the Sanskrit name for the medicinal water that comes from a copper vessel. Copper traces in a Tamra jal are safe and even beneficial.

How to sip water from a copper vessel properly:

  1. To begin, it is critical to purchase vessels manufactured entirely of pure copper. Do not purchase those that contain other metals. Copper water jugs and a Copper jar are two examples of common copper utensils. We have good quality Copper Utensils available on our website CopperUtensilsOnline. You can check out these utensils there.
  2. After you’ve purchased it, thoroughly rinse it with water. After that, fill it with water and cover it with a lid. Allow 6 hours (minimum) to 8 hours (maximum) for the water to rest before drinking.
  3. You can perform Ayurvedic medicine in the following way:

Keep water in a copper jug by your bedside overnight and drink it first thing in the morning when you get up. This technique is particularly beneficial for energizing your bowel motions in the morning. This exercise will keep your digestive system in good shape and help you maintain a healthy metabolism for the remainder of the day. Every day, you’ll feel energized and light.

The advantages of storing drinking water in a Copper Jar Include:

  1. Aids in the prevention of water-borne infections.
  2. Aids in the proper functioning of the digestive system.
  3. It can help you lose weight.
  4. It helps to slow down the aging process.