Copper peptides are naturally occurring copper complex consisting of 3 amino acids and are naturally found in the body tissues. A lack of these may lead to degenerative diseases. For example, copper peptides are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and thus a lack of it may lead to inflammation and speed up the aging process. Along with that they also play a crucial role in promoting healthy hair growth and skin cells formation as well.

Improved Hair and Scalp Health

Copper peptides help to improve the scalp and hair’s health as a whole by improving the overall quality of the hair follicles. It restricts the production of Dihydrotestosterone which is responsible for severe hair loss. Along with that copper peptides also help in reducing the flakiness and itchiness of the scalp which often results in dandruff and other scalp related conditions.

Hair Follicle Size is Increased

Another reason for using copper peptides for hair growth is because it is said to increase the size of the hair follicles. This means the hair shaft will also get thicker, resulting in thicker and healthier hair.

Prevents Hair Shedding

Whether it is a result of aging, improper hygiene or other related issues, hair shedding can be a very embarrassing condition which may result into the loss of a significant amount of hair, that too in a short amount of time. People who used copper peptides for treating hair related issues such as hair shedding reported a significant reduction in the same.

Controls Alopecia

Alopecia is an autoimmune disease which occurs when the white blood cells start attacking the hair roots. A huge number of men and women all around the world suffer from this condition. Though there are not many cures for this condition, the anti-inflammatory properties of copper peptides help in controlling alopecia and decrease the damage caused by it.

Limiting Follicle cell Death

Another way in which copper peptides help with keeping up with the health of the hair is by minimizing the death of hair follicle cells. The death of these cells is a naturally occurring process where old cells die and make room for new hair cells. But some people have issues with this process and their body starts overdoing it, resulting in massive hair loss. For example, with cancer patients who receive chemotherapy, it is the apoptosis which causes the loss of hair. Utilizing copper peptides can help in slowing down or even put a halt to this process altogether.

Copper peptides can be utilized in the form of shampoos, serums and hair treatments prescribed by your dermatologist. Water stored in pure copper utensils can also be used for washing hair on a regular basis to improve hair health.