Though the rate of deaths due to heart diseases has reduced to a great extent in the past years but is still the No. 1 killer of Americans. The good part is that we now know a number of ways to prevent cardiovascular diseases which includes heart attacks and strokes.

It is a known factor that a healthy lifestyle i.e. healthy eating and exercising habits can make a huge difference to your cardiovascular health. Read on to see what all you need to include in your diet for a healthier.

Salmon- Salmon and other fatty fish such as mackerel and sardines are a great option for keeping your heart healthy. This is because they contain a lot of omega 3-fatty acids, which have shown a fall in the risk of arrhythmia which is irregular heartbeat and atherosclerosis which is a plaque build-up in the arteries. It is suggested to eat fatty fish at least 2 times a week. Omega 3 fatty acids may also be consumed as a dietary supplement.

Oatmeal- Oatmeal has a high content of soluble fiber which helps with lowering cholesterol. The soluble fiber acts as a sponge and absorbs the cholesterol in the digestive tract, thus eliminating it from the body entirely. Though this fiber is not found in instant oats which at most times contain a lot of sodium and sugar in it. Get yourself some old fashioned steel cut oats or rolled oats or even quick cook oats. Other products made from whole grains such as pasta, bread and grits, etc. are also good as long as they are made of whole grains.

Dark chocolate- Several studies have suggested that dark chocolate might be beneficial for your heart. It was established by a study that people who are at a higher risk of these problems may benefit from it. But this applies only to dark chocolates with a cocoa content of 60-70% at least. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids which help with blood pressure, inflammation and clotting.

Soy- Soy products, such as tofu and soy milk are a great way to add protein to your diet without adding unhealthy fats and cholesterol. Soy products are rich in polyunsaturated fats, vitamins, fiber and minerals. Soy may also minimize blood pressure in people who consume a diet rich in refined carbohydrates. As compared to milk and other proteins, soy protein can actually reduce the level of bad cholesterol.

Another great way of keeping a check on your heart health is by including copper infused water in your life. You will be amazed by its results. Get yourself the gift of Ayurveda in the form of copper water bottles, copper pitchers or copper tumblers today.